
Showing posts with the label sjogrens

Farewell, 2017. Much More to come…

It’s been quite a year. Not all of it has been good, but I’m probably in a more positive state of mind than I ever have been. I apologize for being so behind on this blog, but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten anything! Unfortunately, I’m still dealing with health issues.* I am traveling much less than I previously did, so I am slowly getting caught up. It’s now two stories forward and one behind! You may have also noticed a lot of blogs here for the Dosh application . It’s noticeable because I’m behind on my trip reports. (Be assured that I will be “filling in” during the new year so it doesn’t look – or read – this way.) I am very choosy about sponsored posts such as the ones for Dosh. I like to pay the bills as everyone else does, but you won’t find inappropriate ads or advertorials here (i.e. gambling sites). Dosh is an app that I feel is beneficial to my audience of travel, food, and fun lovers. If you are looking for what’s to come, check out my “Upcoming S...