
Showing posts with the label deals

How the Dosh App Saved My Night

...and Made Me Money I’ve been using Dosh for months now and, truthfully, I’ve just gotten a little money here and there. I’d certainly never turn down cash, but I just didn’t have a lot I could use it for. I know that over $15 million has been given out to Dosh  users. I heard from people who have made thousands in money back and referrals. I’m not in that group, but I’m also not one to give up easily. I’m glad I didn’t because this month Dosh gave me significant cash back – and some place to sleep. In one night I found out what three million Dosh users already knew, the app is easy to use, offers great deals, and gives you cash for doing very little. I was up in Green Bay, Wisconsin (story to come soon on that great trip). It had been a perfect weekend with a special friend and the weather cooperated the whole time. I arrived at the airport a few hours early for my flights and was immediately greeted with the news that my flight was delayed. I would h...