14 Things I Love Now That Would Make Great Gifts

Tis the season when we are searching for the perfect gifts we will be remembered for giving. There are no guarantees, but I always like to get something a bit out of the ordinary. I’ve received a lot of items lately. Some have been given to me and others I have bought myself. They wouldn’t be on the list if I didn’t really like them. The holiday gift ideas below are in no particular order, but I’ve linked to the best deal I found. (Maybe good enough to also pick up some for yourself.) I do receive a small commission on some of these. 1. Lectrofan Anyone who has a Yorkie knows that they can hear a fly a half mile away! I had the bedroom noise under control during the summer with a hepa filter fan. I replaced that with the (quiet) humidifier. After a few nights of Teddy waking up with every outside sound, I received the Lectrofan. It has many white noise and fan options. I set it to duplicate the sound of the fan we had. I’m sleeping bet...