
Showing posts with the label Eataly

Tastes of Chicago from Eataly to Godfrey

I enjoy attending events in Chicago whenever possible and I’ve learned to stuff my trips to get in as much as possible each time I go. When I received an invitation to a wine pairing luncheon I had just the excuse I needed to plan what would be a delicious trip. The first stop of the day was for the luncheon. It was at Baffo, the Mario Batali restaurant that’s a part of the Eataly plaza in Chicago.  The meal was being paired with Consorzio Carignano del Sulcis wines. I didn’t know much about this region on the island of Sardinia, nor had I tasted this red grape. It sounded like a perfect accompaniment to Batali’s Italian specialties and it certainly was. I brought my friend Lisa along and it was a fun event as we learned about the region and tasted some incredible food at  Baffo : Salumi Misti with Gnocco Fritto with 2011 Calasetta Tupei This antipasto and fried bread worked well with this rich wine. Farfalle con Gambieri (without the shri...