Desserts & Wine Makes Tasty City Food Tours Offering
It’s no secret that travel writers receive more than their fare share of offers. They vary from meals to 10 day all-inclusive tours. It all sounds great, but there’s just no way anyone can do it all and have time to write. I pick and choose carefully. Sometimes, however, it is a no-brainer. That was the case when I was approached to take a Chocolate, Desserts and Wine Tour in New York City. Joyce Weinberg, a former professional foodie and always a native New Yorker, is the owner of City Food Tours . Though she employees a staff of well-trained tour guides, I was lucky enough to have her in charge on this warm and muggy Sunday. The tour begins at Verdi Park on the Upper Westside with Joyce’s very descriptive explanation of the neighborhood’s resemblance to Paris. Within a few minutes she has the group of 15 almost believing we are in the City of Light as we head off on a gastronomical trek. The first stop on the tour is Acker Merrall & Condit , the oldest wine...