Sun and Fun at Breathless Punta Cana

After the excitement of my daughter Sam’s engagement on the beach to her boyfriend (now fiancé) Matt the night before, we were all ready for a relaxing last day in paradise, and Breathless Resort definitely provided it.

I went to Spoon Restaurant for breakfast, enjoying a cheese and mushroom omelet, a waffle with Nutella, and a plate full of tropical fruit.

Matt and Sam joined me and then we all spent the morning alternating between the pool and the beach.

We split up for lunch, for which I went back to Spoon for delicious pasta and more of that luscious fruit. I then headed to the big event – the Sunday Pool Party.

The party is a tradition at Breathless Punta Cana, but this one was extra special because it was the last with DJ Rhiannon. I had seen her before at a club in Atlantic City and I knew she could get the crowd going.

It seemed like most of the resort was at the pool. It was packed and a bit wild. Bubbles were in the pool and sangria was being poured (the swim-up bar was also open).

For those who weren’t in the pool, there was a rolling cart handing out Mama Juana (a Dominican liqueur) shots during the party.

I stayed there for a bit and then met Matt and Sam back at the pool near our rooms. I joined them for cocktails and the swim up bar and we hung out with some people we had met previously who had come down for a wedding on the beach.

Early in the evening, I headed back to the room for a short nap and then dressed for dinner. Sam knocked on the door and invited me to share the bottle of Moet Champagne we had brought from Zoetry (knowing they were going to get engaged, I had her bring the bottle along).

We toasted again to their engagement and the last night of our trip.

We were then off to dinner at Sofrito, the Latin Restaurant. It was full and we waited a bit to be served, but the sparkling wine was flowing and the food was excellent.

I started with a Caribbean Salad of pineapple, coconut, and cabbage. It was delicious, as was the meat and plantain in a banana leaf, and the beef stew with rice and peas.

Sam went with the seafood, first a Conch Salad and then a Grouper in Coconut Sauce. For Matt, it was a meat patty and then his first Goat Stew. They both loved their meals.

I was really happy that, despite some bad dining experiences the first two nights, all of our meals at the end were great.

The maitre d insisted on bringing some after dinner drinks for us and we were happy to oblige. We walked around for a bit, but I think we were all worn out from the day of fun in the sun.

For my last morning in Punta Cana, I ordered the Breathless Breakfast from room service and had it served on my patio. I wasn’t going to miss one more chance to enjoy a meal and the blue water at the same time.

It was even better than last time, with fruit, watermelon juice, scrambled eggs, potatoes, corn pancakes, bacon, sausage, Danishes, croissants, and coffee.

I ate what I could and sat and enjoyed the view of the beach with my coffee before packing. I then hung out at the XHale Club’s private pool on a float and swam a few laps. It was nice to have the chance to just relax before I headed back home.

It wasn’t long before the car came to take us to the airport. Sam, Matt, and I said goodbye to Punta Cana and each other, as we headed home are separate ways after a most memorable trip.


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