Tasting Life on Lake Erie Shores

I had a preview on day one of Sandusky, Ohio, with my friend Lisa, but it was nothing compared to day two. Chad and Ryan Whaley of Green Door Media had prepared quite a full day for us on Lake Erie Shores and Islands.

We woke up to a beautiful day and enjoyed coffee overlooking the boat dock on Sandusky Bay. Chad and Ryan picked us up and took us Common Grounds in Port Clinton, where we picked up some more coffee and snacks from this wonderful place that employs people with developmental disabilities and teaches them skills they can use in future employment.

Our next stop was at The Kitchen Bounty, where we met owner Terri Bergman and got a preview into her world of gourmet food and dining experiences (we were going to actually experience one for dinner). Lisa and I couldn’t believe all the products she had created and knew we were in for quite a treat, but first we were off to the islands.

I have to admit, my expectations of “islands” in Ohio were not very high. I was certainly surprised. We took the car on Miller’s Ferry to Put-in-Bay. It was a short, calm ride and I was excited as we approached the island.

The main attraction here is Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, which honors those who fought in the War of 1812’s Battle of Lake Erie. We climbed the steep staircase and took the elevator up to the top, where I had my first glimpse of the breathtaking islands of Lake Erie Shores.

Lisa and I were interested in trying some local wine so we stopped at Heineman Winery for some Pink Catawba. It was a bit sweet, but rather refreshing.

From there we drove downtown and walked around the Islander Inn. It was the end of the season, but there was still plenty of activity at the swim-up bar at the Islander Inn. Part of me wanted to put on my bathing suit and jump in, but I knew there was a lot more to see – and eat.

Lunch was at The Goat, a popular Put-in-Bay spot famous for food and drinks. The latter specialty was the Basil Mojito and it was as good as Chad and Ryan had said. We also feasted on Perch Tacos, Ruebens (in appetizer balls and sandwiches) and Pierogies.

After lunch, we walked around the island. We stopped at a few shops and at the Roundhouse Bar, where we saw their infamous “bucket of beer.” I was more interested in the Mojitos, and there were plenty more to be had here.

We headed to Mojito Bay and sat back on the swings (instead of Bar Stools) and tried out some of the Mojitos.  They had every flavor imaginable and the only one I really didn’t like was the one I ordered – pineapple.

We were back on Miller’s Ferry from Put-in-Bay in time to have a rest at the house before Chad and Ryan came back and took us to our magical dinner. Terri Bergman and her staff had prepared a fun, casual and extremely delicious dinner for us in her magnificent Hilltop home.

Terri was kind enough to write out the menu for me. I have to admit that I was having so much fun I didn’t take any notes. The whole thing was such a great experience and Terri actually does this regularly, in her home and around country. What a fun, unique and scrumptious way to spend an evening!

Rocking a Latino-French Fusion…food with attitude!

Gazpacho Shots with Avocado Crème Fraiche
Pita Chips with Beet Hummus;
Tortilla chips with Peach Guacamole

A Bursting Summer Salad, fresh lettuces, Fruits  and Honey Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

Shish kabob…with Garden Veggies and Fruited and Spicy Sausage.
French Safari Paella

Roasted Peaches with Cream Cheese and Honey Brie Toppings
Lemon Lavender Ice Cream
Chocolate Tray

our treat….let the flavors continue at home!

Mini Heats, Mini Tequilas, Mini Tabasco’s

C2 Cocktail
Wine Selection

Chad and Ryan dropped us off at our house and Sandusky Bay. As much as we had done in two days, I felt like I had only seen a small portion of Lake Erie Shores. I vowed to return next spring and check out the rest … as long as they promised me some time at the swim-up bar with a mojito. 


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