Traveling Abroad: 5 Essential Safety Tips

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You’ve finally booked that long-awaited trip overseas, but you’re not sure what steps you should take prior to departure. As you probably know, a vacation abroad is not something that can be thrown together overnight. It takes quite a bit of planning and preparation, especially when it comes to your safety. The following tips will help ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure abroad:
Pack with a plan
Many travelers tend to make the mistake of overpacking. It’s easy to catch yourself planning for every possibility – “What if the weather gets really cold?” What if I get a wine stain on my white dress shirt?” “What if I get sick of wearing sandals?” Before you know it, you’ll have stuffed your entire wardrobe in a massive suitcase.

In the end, though, you are best served by packing as light as possible – especially when it comes to your valuables. While most people are kind, law-abiding citizens, there are a few bad apples everywhere that target tourists for theft, scams and crimes of all descriptions. For that reason, it’s best to avoid wearing high-priced jewelry, expensive clothing or other apparel that could make you stick out as a wealthy traveler. Remember, the best way to protect your stuff overseas is not to bring them with you at all.

Conceal your money, passport and documentation
Obviously, there are a number of important/valuable items you have to take along, namely your passport, credit cards and cash. These things are your lifeblood overseas, so you need to be extra vigilant when it comes to protecting them. Your money and documentation are most secure locked inside a hotel safe. When you must carry them on you, it’s best to store them in a hidden waist wallet under your clothing. Avoid purses, handbags, fanny packs and outside pockets that could be easy targets for pickpockets. Lastly, avoid drinking alcohol excessively during your trip. When your judgment and mental acuity are impaired, you are significantly more vulnerable to crime. If you do choose to indulge in a few drinks, do so in the company of fellow travelers. There’s always safety in numbers.

Don’t forget to secure your home before you leave
It’s easy to overlook the safety of your humble abode amid the mad scramble to get things ready for your excursion. However, keep in mind that your home is least secure when you’re away for an extended amount of time. Ideally, you could solicit a trusted friend, family or neighbor to keep an eye on your property while you’re gone. But this isn’t always a practical scenario. At the very minimum, you should have someone collect your newspapers and mail while you’re gone. Nothing announces “I’m out of town!” like a growing pile of the daily gazette at the end of your driveway.

Additionally, a professionally monitored alarm system is always an effective home protection tool, particularly when you’re out of town. These systems are linked to a central monitoring station, where professionals keep an eye on your home 24/7, even when nobody is home. Consult ADT or another reputable home security provider if you’re looking for more information.

Exercise caution with social media
We live in a digitally connected culture. Nowadays, people feel compelled to share everyday experiences in real time through their social media accounts. While Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites are among the most influential innovations of our time, they – like any powerful tool – have the ability to be used for both good and evil.

Unfortunately, criminals have learned how to exploit social media to help them target homes for burglary. Consequently, it’s wise to avoid posting live updates about your vacation plans. An innocent tweet or status update could tip off a thief that you will be away. Instead, try to keep your vacation plans between you and a few trusted friends and family members.


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  3. Great share undoubtedly! I loved your post, all the points that you have mentioned in your post are necessary to be considered while traveling abroad.
    Thanks for sharing this useful stuff.

  4. This is very nice and informative post about travel. Thanks for giving safety tips its very useful post while we traveling abroad..........


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