Wine, Spirits and Travel Tweeters to Know in Twitterland

Let’s face it, it’s hard to exist these days in internet land without Twitter. It’s definitely one of the most useful social networking tools on the planet. The trick to using Twitter -- I’m learning -- is not to spend all your time looking up Twitter addresses. I don’t think too many people will argue with me when I say that the search feature is not one of the most useful around.

I’ve been doing my best to work on time management so I’ve put together Twitter addresses I keep going back to. Feel free to enter additional ones in the comments as I know I didn’t come close to getting everything. Please indicate the category and I will update as often as possible.

Hotels & Resorts on Twitter

Airlines & Cruises on Twitter

Champagne, Wine & Wineries on Twitter

Spirits & Distilleries on Twitter

Restaurants, Bars & Clubs on Twitter

Convention & Visitors Bureaus on Twitter

Miscellaneous Food, Drinks & Tourism on Twitter


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