Welcome Back -- to me!

I've had a tough time in the last six weeks with the balancing act we call life.  Unfortunately, this blog -- which got off to a great start -- has suffered.  I'm happy to report that I've finally got everything under control and am currently working on a number of stories that will regularly appear.  So, welcome me back into your internet world and come visit at least twice a week because that's when I've committed to being reporting what's new, exciting, delicious or unusual in the world of Wine And Spirits Travel.  I'll be doing lots of traveling in the next few months near and far.  And, to make sure you don't miss anything, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter>


  1. Thanks for coming back...We are wating for something new...give smthng smthing unique as u alws do....location costa brava

  2. Amazing service to my place after all those problems in the country still they provided me, my desired loan at my door steps! Bank definitely is the best!


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