
Intro to Lake Erie Shores, Ohio

When I received an email inviting me to Lake Erie Shores, Ohio , I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive. I write mostly about luxury travel, or areas with a lot of great food and wine. I wasn’t sure there would be enough in this area for me to cover. I began to rethink the destination after visiting Buffalo and Niagara Falls . I couldn’t help but to wonder about what was on the other side of Lake Erie. I contacted Chad Whaley, who handles PR for Lake Erie Shores & Islands. My schedule was pretty full, but we came up with a three day introduction to the area that he was sure would be enough to make me come back for more. My friend Lisa and I drove to Sandusky, Ohio, the center of Lake Erie Shores. It took about seven hours and the ride became more scenic as we continued. I loved the weeping willows welcoming us just as we entered the city. We were given a house on the bay side (Lake Erie is on one side and Sandusky Bay on the other) that was just perfect for