
Palmer House Hilton, Elegance of Europe in Downtown Chicago

When you pull up to the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, it appears to be just another hotel in the Windy City.  The great location between the shops and museums of Michigan, close proximity to the theater district and Starbucks at the entrance certainly make it seem welcoming, but you can’t really get the full experience until you step into the lobby. I’ve been to beautiful places throughout the world and only a few have made me stop and go, “Wow.”  The Palmer House in Chicago is definitely one of those.  Even though the influence for this hotel came more from the French than the Italian, the lobby’s painted dome ceiling was nearly as beautiful as the Sistine Chapel and the décor reminded me quite a bit of the Rome Cavalieri Hilton . The lounge area, which includes a bar, was welcoming enough to be the home of conventions, weddings and other social events. The Palmer House Hilton is more than just a pretty place.  I had the pleasure of a delicious breakfast in the Lockwood Rest